1. Africom Integral Security Alarm systems are installed on very strict standards and international framework, to detect any intrusion attempt even before it happens.
2. Our system is highly intelligent and automatically tests itself on daily basis. This informs our customers and the Control Centre about the system’s daily status and therefore eliminating any unnoticeable downtimes or malfunctional.
3. All alarm signals are transmitted 100% digitally and therefore their reception & decoding at our Control Center is almost instant or within a fraction of a second.
4. Our Response team is always in close proximity to the clients, which guarantees swift and effective Response services.
5. Should the primary backup needs reinforcement at any particular time, the secondary backup is immediately dispatched and usually has armed police officers on board.
Africom Integral Security technical team will be at hand to carry out all the required installations, systems integration and subsequent quarterly routine maintenances.
Clustered alarm-systems monitoring is where Africom Integral Security do mapping of the houses/homes that are in close proximity to each other in groups of six (6) houses or homes. This mode of alarm monitoring is applicable to all types of house/homes-arrangements which may include: – linear settlement, circular settlement or grid settlements in different geographical topographies
i). clients get discounted Alarm Response Services to as low as 3000 + VAT.
ii). clients with existing Anti-Burglary-Alarms or electric fences usually have them integrated into Africom Integral Security Systems for 24 hours monitoring at the rate of 4500 + VAT.
iii). Whenever any client rises an alarm, the signal is transmitted and uniquely identified from Africom Security monitoring control center, which then dispatch the response team specifically to the concerned customer.
iv). The connection from various houses to the Clustering Fusion Units is completely wireless, therefore eliminating every chance of system tamper.
v). All alarm signals are 100% digitally transmitted and therefore their reception & decoding at our Control center is almost instant or within a fraction of a second.
vi). Our Response team is always within the estate or in close proximity which guarantees swift and effective Response.
vii). Should the primary backup needs reinforcement at any particular time, the secondary Backup is immediately dispatched with armed police officers on board.